Church mission


If the mission of the Church is to weave a heart connection among all people of earth, then people of the Church need to be capable and inspired by this vision. Already, the world is being united by technology and the internet. But there is still so much division and mistrust, and even hatred. A world connected by technology must also be connected by love – by concern and compassion for one another and our environment. We cannot be a world simply focused on our own gain and power at the expense of others.

So, this brings us to what the Church calls “repentance.” We need to be motivated to seek out and eradicate within us all that blocks our awareness and response to God’s presence in all people and in all creation – and in ourselves. We need to grow in awareness of how God might be able to reach out through us to help weave that heart connection among people.  We need to become aware of what blocks us from reaching out in love. And we need to commit ourselves to limiting our blocking of God’s presence.

It is not easy to recognize God’s presence in others, or in ourselves, for that matter. The presence of God is often hidden beneath layers of selfishness, pride, ignorance, and brokenness – both within ourselves and others. We find it easy to see the surface of other people – recognizing their limitations and brokenness. We find it easy to overlook our own limitations and brokenness.

If we recognized the presence of God in others and in ourselves, would we not bow down in worship before the presence of God in one another! We recognize Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, but we find it so difficult to recognize God’s presence in one another. We need to grow a “third eye,” an eye that can look deeper, looking through the brokenness of one another to recognizing the Sacred presence within.

Repentance would involve seeking God’s glory and not one’s own glory. It seems we often seek our own recognition and admiration by others, rather than seeking the glory of God.

It seems that to grow in this ability, the practice of contemplative prayer is necessary. This is an ancient form of prayer where one sits quietly, and without words or thoughts, and approaches God simply with love. Then, one is not merely saying prayers and talking to God. One is rather seeking to be quietly in God’s presence deep within oneself. This may be a necessary step to helping oneself become aware of the presence of God in others.

To weave a heart connection among all people of the earth, the people of the Church must be capable of a heart connection. This vision of their mission must inspire them. It would surely happen on a local and personal level. But the Church could also deepen its commitment to dialogue, understanding, and cooperation with all religions – perhaps inspiring other religions with the same dream or vision of a world connected by heart.