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Pope Francis issued his encyclical teaching, Laudato si’, On the Care of Our Common Home, on Pentecost, May 24, 2015. This book quotes paragraphs from his encyclical, along with a photograph, to assist one in reflecting on what the pope is teaching about the earth’s environment.

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This book presents eight methods of prayer. We do not always pray in the same way, but we may pray differently throughout our lives. After each prayer method, you may find some helpful questions.


Vatican Council II saw Catholic bishops from around the world gather in Rome from 1962 through 1965 to discuss the renewal of the Church. The bishops issued important documents guiding the Church's ongoing revitalization. One of the documents issued by the bishops was Verbum Dei or The Word of God.

It encouraged the clergy to prayerfully study the scriptures. It also encouraged all the Christian faithful to become more familiar with the sacred texts whether through the liturgy or through their prayerful reflection. The document reminded the Christian faithful that "We speak to Him when we pray, we hear Him when we read the divine sayings" (Verbum Dei, 25).

The reflections in this volume focus on the Sunday scripture readings for Year C of the Catholic lectionary.

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Catholics at Sunday Mass, and other Christians at their worship services, reflect on the Bible over a three-year liturgical cycle - Year A, Year B, and Year C. Over these three years, a majority of the Bible is covered. As we reflect on these scripture readings, we are encouraged to “put on the mind of Christ” and grow more into Christ’s presence in the world today. For a given Sunday, these scriptures are found in the Catholic Lectionary or other lectionaries.

In this volume, the author writes his reflections for the Sunday scripture readings for the Year B cycle. Each reflection cites the scriptures from the Catholic Lectionary. Others may find these reflections helpful as they prayerfully enter into the wisdom found in the Bible.

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The Word Awakens

This book was written during the 2020 pandemic. The author reflects on the weekly Sunday scripture readings in the Catholic Lectionary. Many churches use a lectionary of standard readings for their Sunday worship. These lectionaries are divided into three cycles – Year A, Year B, and Year C. The reflections in this book are taken from the Year A readings in the Catholic Lectionary. Today’s world is often burdened with suffering, violence, and tragedy. People seek meaning in their lives. The Christian path or journey is grounded in ancient Old Testament wisdom, the New Testament teaching and inspiration of Jesus, and belief in his Resurrection. The author’s reflections on the Christian gospels offer hope for uncertain times.

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Jesus’ Early Life

This book looks at events that were happening in Judea while Jesus was alive, and also looks at its geography and culture at that time. It attempts to create an imaginary story of Jesus’ first thirty years before he began his public ministry. Of course, we do not have factual knowledge about Jesus then. We can only imagine what life for Jesus looked like. This imaginary story of Jesus’ life is told as if Jesus himself were relating it. Hopefully, this book will give greater insight into Jesus and into the times and places where he lived before his baptism.

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Thresholds of Creation

This book leads us across significant thresholds of creation from the “Big Bang” or “Great Emergence” through the formation of atoms, stars, and galaxies, through the beginning of life, through the origin of Homo sapiens, through the Axial Age and Jesus, to the future of the humanity. The book offers reflection questions to encourage deeper thought about the origins and evolution of creation and humanity, and where Sacred Mystery or God has been present.

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Monks and Prophets

Monks and prophets speak their wisdom. This book presents 10 prophetic voices who inspire and challenge us. Quotations from their writings are presented against the background of beautiful photographs from Yosemite.

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Praying John’s Gospel

This book invites its readers to enter prayerfully into the Gospel of St. John. It presents fifty selected quotations from the Gospel along with photographs as food for prayerful reflection

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Opening to Prayer

In the busy lives of people today, there seems to be little time for prayer. This book offers one approach to prayer using Psalm verses from the Bible and photographs. It also offers reflections on the prayer of Jesus while discussing the importance of prayer in our daily lives.

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The Spirit Awakens Life

The Holy Spirit has been present and creating the cosmos from its origins. The Spirit is the foundational energy of love present throughout all creation - from ancient times, through the present, and into the future. Traditionally, the Holy Spirit is the creative breath of God who is one with God’s spoken Word.

Jesus of Nazareth was guided by the Spirit to initiate the Kingdom of God. The Church throughout the ages, guided by that same Spirit, has attempted to be a reflection of the Kingdom of God. It continues to be challenged to listen for the guidance of the Spirit enabling it to reform and grow into a contrast society for the world.

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Awakening God’s Dream

This book looks at the “signs of the times” and argues Christianity, and in particular Catholic Christianity, offers a pathway of hope for meaningful life. In a world often filled with violence and polarization, the Catholic way is an authentic path that leads humanity toward greater wholeness, respect for one another, and for life.

The book moves from the “Big Bang” through the origin of life on earth, to the arrival of humans, and to a people willing to help advance God’s dream for the earth.

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